Últimas publicaciones de ANOBAS-DM

Confirmatory factor analysis of the Drive for Muscularity Scale-S (DMS-S) & Male Body Attitudes Scale-S (MBAS-S) among male university students in Buenos Aires.


Compte, E., Sepúlveda, A.R., Blanco, M., y de Pellegrin, Y. (2015). Body Image, 14, 13-19.

A Two-Stage Epidemiological Study of Eating Disorders and Muscle Dysmorphia in Male University Students in Buenos Aires.


Compte, E., Sepúlveda, A.R., Torrente, F. (2015). Internacional Eating Disorder Journal, 48, 1092-1101.

A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Male Body Attitudes Scale (MBAS) Among Spanish Adolescent Males.


A.R. Sepúlveda, D. Anastasiadou, Y. de Pellegrin, M. Parks, M. Blanco, P. García, C. Bustos (2016). Men & Masculinities, 2, 2-19.

A Confirmatory Factor Analysis of the Spanish Version of the Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS) in adolescent males.


A.R. Sepúlveda, M. Parks, M.Blanco, Y. de Pellegrin, D. Anastasiadou, C. Bustos (2016). Journal of Eating Behaviours, 21,116-122.

Approximations to an integrated model of Eating Disorders and Muscle Dysmorphia among university male students in Argentina.


Compte, E., Sepúlveda, A.R., Torrente, F. (2018). Men & Masculinities 2018, 0,0-00.

What Position do you Play? Eating Disorder Risk Among Rugby Players, and the Understudied Role of Player Position.


Compte, E., Murray, S., Sepúlveda, A.R., Schweiger, S., Bressan, M., Torrente, F. (2018). International Journal of Eating Disorders, 2018, 51, 1015-19..